


yay -S ttf-ubuntu-font-family

# emoji support
sudo ./


  1. Go to System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Global Shortcuts (Search by item) 2. - Walk Through Desktops to Meta + Tab - Walk Through Desktops(Reverse) to Meta + Shift + Tab - Toggle Present Windows(All Desktops) to Meta + Ctrl + Up - Activate Application Launcher Widget to Ctrl + F10 - Switch to Next Desktop to Meta + Ctrl + Right - Switch to Previous Desktop to Meta + Ctrl + Left - Show Desktop Grid to Meta + Ctrl + Down - Show System Activity to Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Minimize Window to Meta + Down - Maximize Window to Meta + Up - Launch Spectacle to Ctrl + Shift + Print - Capture Active Window to Meta + Print - Capture Entire Desktop to Print - Capture Rectangular Region to Shift + Print - Launch Konsole to Alt + Ctrl + T
  2. Disable 2 Finger vertical scroll(switching workspace) on desktop
    • Right click on the desktop, click configure desktop, then Mouse Actions, then remove the one that says vertical scroll by pressing the minus on the right of that row.