Zsh, VS Code, Sublime, Hyper, Linux
These are my custom config settings for different apps/editors/etc that I use in my development environment.
You may reference them and I suggest not to copy them directly coz it may / may-not break stuff(s).
My main editor of choice is VS Code with Night Owl(customised a.k.a atlantic-night-owl) editor theme by Sarah Drasner and Dank Mono font by Phil PlĂĽckthun
Configs I use for it can be seen here. And here is a list of extensions I use.
I use Sublime with Ayu theme for quick file edits
I am using Zsh as my shell and oh-my-zsh to install all my Zsh plugins
I use many aliases to get around my system as fast as possible. You can view them all here.
I use my own hyper-atlantic-night-owl theme which is based on my color customisations for Night Owl theme for VSCode
See the list of extensions/addons or theme I use here